Our Safeguarding Policy
The Open Door Centre believes that safeguarding is key to providing an excellent service for our members. We have experienced safeguarding staff team members, who understand the importance of providing a safe environment for our members to achieve their highest potential.
The Open Door Centre’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Jenny Stacey
The Open Door Centre’s Trustee Safeguarding Lead (TSL) – Del Fry
Staff and volunteers are trained annually in the safeguarding of Adults at Risk.
If you experience something that puts you or another at risk, or you just want to ask advice, you can contact our safeguarding leads at opendoorswindon@gmail.com or alternatively call us on 01793 512357.
Alternatively you can speak to Swindon Borough Council Adult Safeguarding Team on 01793 463555
You can view our safeguarding policy here.
If you have immediate concerns about an Adult at Risk, please call 999.